Life can often feel overwhelming with all the trials and tribulations we face. It’s so easy for anxiety and uncertainty to set in, as we whisk through our day to day life, while feeling all the while that we’re alone in what we do.
However, as Christians, we know that God is our source of comfort and peace in whatever stresses that comes our way, providing hope and strength during these times when we need help.
The Bible is filled with God’s promises of love, mercy, care and comfort, along with His wonderful presence whenever we need, even in our darkest times.
Here are 5 Bible Verses that offer comfort when you’re going through tough times:

Comfort Verse #1

Whenever we feel broken, this verse reminds us that God is near- and He wants us to draw closer to Him.
If you’re feeling crushed by life’s challenges, know that God is with you, holding you in His loving arms and will help you through your difficulties.
Comfort Verse #2

From my understanding a yoke is a wooden beam that joins two animals, usually oxen to pull a cart or plow. By doing so this ensures that both animals are working together to complete the task.
I absolutely love this verse because it is a beautiful metaphor for Christ’s invitation to share the burden of life with Him.
When life gets difficult and we call upon Him and we find that instead of carrying the weight of our struggles alone, we are yoked to Christ who will carry our heavier load and guide us through the difficult time.
By surrendering our worries to Christ we can find true peace.

Read more: Christian Community: Strengthening One Another in Faith and Love
Comfort Verse #3

In moments of difficulty and uncertainty, this is God’s promise that we do not need to fear because He will strengthen us He promises to lift us up when we feel weak.
We know that due to God’s unconditional love for us, we can face any challenge that life may throw our way with comfort and peace.
All we have to do is trust in Him.
Comfort Verse # 4

This is a powerful reminder that God is more powerful and bigger than any challenge or stress that is in your life right now.
No matter how big the mountain might seam, God will help you.
It’s such a comforting thought to know that God is always present and ready to help whenever we call on Him.
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Comfort Verse #5

This is another one of my favorite verses. This verse reminds me to pay it forward: help others when I receive help and comfort others as I have been comforted.
For me this is a powerful reminder that, as a mom and a wife during a very difficult season in my life right now, that God comforts me in my time of need so that I can help comfort those that I love when things get challenging.

During challenging times, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but always remember that God has given us His Word to remind us of his love and promise that “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13: 5 NIV)
His promises of peace and comfort are there to sustain us, giving us the strength to keep going even when life feels heavy.
Whatever you’re facing today: stress, grief or loss, take comfort in God knowing that His love is unwavering and unconditional, and you can always find peace in Him.
If you’re looking for more comfort or encouragement, spend time with God in prayer and ask him to fill you with comfort and peace. Reflect on these verses again and spend time in His Word.
Jesus promises in Matthew 7:7:
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you” (KJV)
No problem is ever too big for God and He is always ready to listen and offer you the peace and comfort that you’re longing for.
What other verses do you find comfort in? Please leave a comment below!
Also, check out my blog post on How to Make Your Own Scripture Jar so you can make your own for any emotion. And, sign up for my newsletter below so you never miss a blog post and you’ll have free access to my free resource library!